How to extract files in Backtrack
It would be a very frustrating task for a novice who got used to a windows OS to extract files in Backtrack. A simple right click won't work here !! Apart from the familiar rar and zip extensions, Linux has its own extentions, the most common one of them is tar.gz. In this tutorial, we are going to show how to extratct all possible file extensions that you may encounter in Backtrack. Here is the video. (please check the HD definition option in the youtube player for a better quality)
List of the commands used in the video:
*bz2 file:
root@bt:~# tar xvf basket.bz2
*rar file:
root@bt:~# unrar e pentestrepoprts.rar
*tar.gz file:
root@bt:~# tar xvf wpa-phish.tar.gz
*zip file:
root@bt:~# unzip
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