How to install NVIDIA drivers correctly in Backtrack
Installing Nvidia drivers in Backtrack is a necessary step, because it accelerates the system & boosts its performance. Without these drivers, the cracking process of WEP/WPA keys or brute forcing attacks would be a time-consuming task. You will also be unable the exploit the full power of CUDA for example.
However, many Backtrack users get frustrated when it comes to installing the Nvidia drivers. Each time, the installation fails because they do not know how to correctly disable the "nouveau driver" ; which thwarts the whole process.
Here is a guaranteed, detailed tutorial on how to do it the right way ;-)
-First of all, download your NVIDIA driver version from the official website here
-Open a terminal & run the following command:
root@bt:~#chmod +x NVIDIA-Linux-our driver version).sh
(this command will simply make the downloaded file executable).
-Open another terminal & run these two commands:
root@bt:~#echo options nouveau modeset=0 | tee -a /etc/modprobe.d/nouveau-kms.conf
root@bt:~#update-initramfs -u
-Reboot your system, log in with the username & password, BUT don't type "startx", instead run:
root@bt:~#./NVIDIA-Linux-(your driver version).run
-Follow the procedure with "yes"
-When finished, reboot your system again, & you'll be able to enjoy the full power of NVIDIA :-)
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